19 August

Red’s Clothing Project Wish List For Bishop Maginn

by Jon Katz

This idea started germinating in my head last week, and it bubbled up this morning as I was on the phone talking to  Bishop Maginn High School teachers about how to help students who are in urgent need of personal effects and boots and clothing for the cold weather approaching.

What happens is that the teachers usually spot kids who are shivering or poorly dressed or have no shampoo, deodorant or personal hygiene projects for women. Sometimes the teachers can see or even smell the need, sometimes the students ask them for help.

I thought it best to raise the money directly, and in some cases that is still a good idea.

But the teachers tell me that the families are so hard-pressed that any money they receive goes directly for food, which they understandably consider a priority over soap and shampoo and dandruff or personal hygiene products. Some of these families are in dire need.

I was also struck – in the happiest way – by how many people wanted to honor Red by purchasing things for the school last week after his death. So I have a new idea, just hatched this morning.

I think we’ll combine the two, I’ll raise some money myself to use in conjunction with the teachers for taking these families out to shop and making sure the kids get what they need.

And we’ll put up a special  Red’s Clothing Project Wish List to seek specific things – boots, gloves, sweaters feminine hygiene products (the girls will never ask me for that, the teachers will let me know) as the teachers become aware of them.

I’ll call it Red’s Clothing Project, so he will be able to keep on giving and doing good, and his life and spirit will continue to be used in a positive way. We’ll probably put up the first Red’s Clothing Project Wish List in late September or early October, or sooner if necessary.

The items purchased on the Wish List will be shipped directly to the school, and the teachers will make sure the children will get what they need. We’ll add to the list when necessary.

I love the idea, it makes sense to me on several different levels. So stay tuned: Red’s Clothing Project is coming soon.


  1. This is what I envisioned when I emailed you Jon, should be wonderful. The more that BMHS can be the “central” place for needs being met the more it breeds the safety and community these wonderful kids need and deserve.

    1. It’s not so simple, Elizabeth, but it could be wonderful. There are many issues relating to privacy and dignity and pride that need to be addressed carefully. The only reason I am thinking of this is because of the urgent need the families have for food, and the need to get it to the teachers and children directly. I do hope it works out for them. This is very painful for them, they really hate asking for help…

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