19 August

Backing Up Fate. The World’s Only Herding Terrier

by Jon Katz

Bud always wanted to help Red, when he was sick when he was trying to herd the sheep at the end. I have discovered though, that the world’s only known sheep herding Boston Terrier also loves to help Fate, as she tries unsuccessfully to get the sheep to move.

The sheep are used to blowing Fate off, and she is used to letting them. I’m trying to train her to be a bit more assertive, and every time I start a session, Bud comes roaring up and does what I’m asking Fate to do.

She is quite happy to watch him do it. And he is shockingly good at it.  This morning, Kim came charging out from the flock to challenge Fate, and Bud, as he did with Red, came rushing up to defend her and freeze Kim in her tracks.

She tried to butt him, he was having none of it, barking in her face and holding his ground.

As always I am hard-pressed to explain what is happening with Bud. Maybe he is just a very good student, maybe back in Arkansas a border collie fell in love with his mother. Bud is, so far as I know, the world’s only sheep herding Boston Terrier.

There must be another somewhere, but I have not heard from them yet. Bud seems to love to protect the other dogs in his family, that is the best I can do.


  1. THis is sooo amazing and impressive..maybe you are onto something there..maybe Boston’s have missed their “calling” and “who knew?” ..perhaps they are all capable and they have BC in their lineage..might account for their “border collie” like markings..

  2. The tenacity of the terrier finds its way to all sorts of expressions. He learned from a master and it stuck. And the best defense is a good offense a bit?!

  3. wouldn’t Bostons be derived from the other bull-baiting dog breeds ? bull terrier….boxer…..pit bull type dogs….I would think he is channeling this kind of instinct. these were all used to move cattle/bulls in the beginning of the breed development, I would think…..good for BUD !

    1. Yes, Bostons were bred to hunt and kill rats…they are scrappy fighters and are known for being fearless and also loving to their people..

  4. I love these stories of Bud helping the Border Collies herd. It cracks me up and makes me smile every time! We just never know what our dogs are going to do next.

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