7 August

Birthday Surprise (For Me) At Bishop Maginn

by Jon Katz

I was surprised to walk into Sue Silverstein’s class at Bishop Maginn High School this morning and see a cake with candles and then hear a “Happy Birthday” song from the art brigade.

I wondered for a second who the singing was for, and when I saw them all stand up and sing to me, I realized who it was for.

I am coming to love these children, – Blue, Obeid, (Sue hiding) Asher, Issachar –  they have every reason to be guarded and angry and wary, they are loving and considerate and funny.

In a way, this is the best birthday celebration I could possibly have, and one that means the world to me. Thanks, Sue.

If you hear the horrors they have endured, and then you watch the news, you have to wonder how any caring human could be anything but welcoming to them. You all are letting them see the true spirit of America – generous and empathetic.

I’ve only known them for several months but they feel like family, I get hugged when I arrive and hugged when I leave. They adore Red, are thrilled to see Maria. The school and this classroom have been a refuge and safe place for them.

Today, I met a young man who is working all summer without pay at the school in exchange for his sister’s tuition. She is entering Bishop Maginn in the fall. She was in the public schools last year and was beaten so severely she had to be hospitalized. She is terrified to go back.

Mike Tolan admitted her to Bishop Maginn, but the family can’t pay the tuition. We are going to help, and so is her brother.

I am very happy to report that a member of the Army Of Good is donating $25,000 in stocks to Bishop Maginn, and two other readers of the blog are donating $10,000 each for tuition funds and other needs.

This money will change the lives of desperate refugee children, their families have nothing and they are desperately in need of safe and smaller classrooms so they can learn in peace and study what they need to know to live in America.

The Bishop Maginn Teachers Amazon Wish List has three items left on the lists; three broom and dustpan sets for $10.99; 9 Hamlet graphic novels, $9.49 apiece; two surge protectors, $19.99.

We are hoping to make sure the Bishop Maginn teachers don’t need to spend their own money on school supplies this year. They don’t make very much money, and they work very hard.

This all is a wonderful birthday present for me, my birthday is tomorrow. Tonight, Maria is taking me to a play at the Williamstown Theater Festival tonight. I think I’ll choose Jean’s Place for breakfast.


    1. Susan, thanks, fyi the school’s address is in almost ever post about it, it is Bishop Maginn High School, 75 Park Avenue, Albany, New York, 12202, and thank you…

  1. What a wonderful surprise for you!
    Happy Birthday and many more happy returns of the day! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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