4 August

Deena Chapell And The Creative Life

by Jon Katz

Deena Chapell is a musician, she sings and plays the guitar. She moved to Saratoga a couple of years ago, and like so many gifted local musicians, migrated to Saratoga Springs where are a lot more clubs and gigs than here.

Maria and I both miss her, she might be an angel, she not only sings beautifully but she is blessed with one of the most beautiful smiles I have seen. She is warm and generous.

She is also a strong woman, committed to her music and the sacrifices involved in the creative life. I’ve always found her an inspiration. I think it takes a special person to choose this life, it is never a simple life or a secure one, it is never lived in a straight line.

I don’t know her well and don’t see her often, but I always feel good when I do, this is what makes me think she might well be one of the creative angels, she has a mystical air about her, a warmth that comes from deep inside.

Deena works hard at her music, she isn’t afraid to stand outside and sing under a white tent for four hours while people drop dollar bills into her jar. This is the life she chose, she has never turned away from it or quit the grind.

It can turn a lot of people hard, but Deena has always seemed to me to be a person who retains her humanity, as well as her talent.

She has never complained or spoken poorly of her life. We were happy to see her singing today at the Farmers Market, the glass jar in its customary place out in front. I was happy to take her photo today, another Strong Woman.


  1. You use the term “strong woman” a lot. You never define what that means to you though. What makes a woman strong in your opinion? To me, it’s independence, but I don’t think that’s what it is to you. Curious, as you seem quite enamored with this quality, but I have no idea what you mean.

    1. I write what I think D, I don’t do it in FB or blog comments. I think I’ve been pretty clear on what I mean, but stay tuned to the blog if you want to know more. I write about women a lot. I can’t imagine why you would think it’s not about independence, although it surely is not only that.

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