3 August

The BMHS Teachers Thank You For Fighting For Them

by Jon Katz

Bishop Maginn High School Principal Mike Tolan send me this photo from the school yesterday. It shows the first wave of school supplies requested by the teachers of Bishop Maginn. Their groundbreaking Teachers Amazon Wish List sold through in 24 hours.

They are reluctant to ask for more help, but I am urging them to put up another Teachers Wish List next week.

Parents, teachers, (even children) from all over the country responded to the Wish List and the needs and prayers of the school’s teachers. We hit a deep nerve. And a significant one.

We asked the teachers what they need to teach their students when they arrive in a few weeks. They each picked three or four items they felt were essential. I hope they do it again.

It’s my goal to see that no teacher at Bishop Maginn High School has to spend their own money this year buying school supplies. I see the school as a metaphor for the plight of schools all over the country. Perhaps we can make a loud statement and trigger a continuation of the re-awakening of their importance of supporting our teachers. It can be done, we are proving that.

Speaking only for myself, I can’t think of a more important group of people for our national soul, for our children, for the future of our country than teachers. In a time of warped values, we spent half of our federal budget on the military,  even while we are at peace, while we drive teachers and schools into poverty and struggle, and our schools into disrepair.

A few months ago, this worthy and necessary school did not have a single working microscope or students computer for teaching. Now they have a Computer and Science Lab. In the Fall, they will also have a choir and booming art and music classes. They are restoring a vigorous athletic program.

Sometimes over the past two years, I’ve walked into schools that make me wonder if I am really in America or some impoverished third world land.

We will all pay for this neglect, but not nearly as much as our teachers or children and grandchildren. I’ve had my struggles with education – it was no fault of the teachers – but I never doubt the value of teachers, they are a backbone of our culture, of our future.

The teachers of Bishop Maginn want me to thank you for the support that has stunned and delighted them, and significantly lifted their spirits. If we can pull this off, we will make sure each teacher has the tools they need to educate these students, many of whom are refugee children whose families have lost everything.

This school has special chemistry: a smart and compassionate principal, dedicated teachers, bright and needy students. It is the right place for us to do our work and sent a statement out to the world that we are caring and generous people.

Seeking those boxes stack up is uplifting, at the very least.  The students will be delighted when they return to school, and students and teachers will know there are people out there who care deeply about them and will support them.

I know what’s inside of those boxes. It is nothing less than the future of the needy and vulnerable students who see Bishop Maginn as a desperately needed refuge and safe space.

I met one of the school’s students who told me his hair was set on fire by other children in one different school, they were listening to the hateful talk about refugees in America that is now part of our political conversation.

He is safe now, learning in peace and making plans to go to college.

The refugee and other needy students have a school ready and eager to guide them through their difficult acclimation to America and prepare them for the American Dream, their salvation and hope.

It’s not up to me, but I hope they do put up another Teacher’s Wish List, and as many as they need. There are a lot of people out there who are ready to fight them. I am proud to be one of them.

And thanks once more to the Army of Good. I never tire of saying it or meaning it.


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