3 August

Blessing The Bishop Maginn Teachers, Second Delivery

by Jon Katz

Bishop Maginn Art Teacher Sue Silverstein went into work today to help unpack the second delivery of requests for Teacher Wish List school supplies that are arriving in bulk from Amazon warehouses.

She seemed happy and somewhat stunned.

The first Teacher’s Bishop Maginn Amazon Wish List is sold out, I’m pushing for another Teacher’s Wish List this coming week. I think the teachers are also in shock.

A number of people have messaged me saying they tried to contribute but there was nothing on the list. I explained it had all been purchased, keep looking, maybe bookmark the page. If you need it, the school’s address is Bishop Maginn High School, 75 Park Street, Albany, N.Y., 12202

The teachers will be asked again to make up their own lists of what they need and we’ll put it up. These things are the guts of teaching in a way, the tools they need to do their work.

Sue Silverstein spent the day unpacking these boxes and the ones that came yesterday and putting them in the storage closet where the faculty can find them.

(I got a big box of beautiful and colorful knitted hats from Colorado for the Mansion residents and the refugee students. They are quite beautiful and homemade, I’ll distribute them as we get closer to the cold, and thanks, Josie and Stacy from Pueblo.)

Sue messaged from the storage closet: “Wait until everyone sees all this! They truly will have a hard time believing that people have blessed the faculty!”

It’s a lovely way to put, but I think the faculty is blessed.  I’m starting to get some queries from other schools in other places asking how we did this, perhaps we can start a very American and necessary trend: supporting our teachers once more.

Stay tuned. I love the idea of blessing the faculty, as the faculty is blessing the students who need them so very much.

And thanks to Josie and Stacy, from Pueblo, Colorado, who made the warm and beautiful hats. They sent a note: “Please give these hats we made to the kids at Bishop Maginn School and to your friends at the Mansion or to whoever might need to be warm this fall and winter. Blessings to you and yours…”

I am blessed, Josie and Stacy, to have people like you reading my blog and supporting this work. This must have taken a lot of time, thank you. It will keep some cold heads warm.

So proud to be fighting for these teachers.

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