2 August

Strong Women: Wonder Woman At Jean’s Place

by Jon Katz

I woke up this morning, and said to Maria, “Hey, let’s go out and get breakfast at Jean’s Place.” I don’t know why the impulse hit me, it just seemed like a good way to start the day.

Maria was surprised, she said I had never once suggested going out to breakfast on a weekday. But I think of Friday’s as the unofficial beginning of the weekend, I was restless.

I mumbled and grumbled about having too much work to do (predictable) but then thought about the breakfast there, and changed her mind. The place is great, but the food is just very good.

We had gotten up early, so we had plenty of time, and I had a craving for the scrambled eggs and home fries, I love the way Kevin cooks both.

Kelsie is one of those strong women, she feels good about herself and one of the Wonder Women who run Jean’s, they all seem strong to me. There is a sign on the wall warning  customers to be careful of “attack waitresses.”

I wouldn’t want to mess with any of the ones I’ve met so far. They are all warm and funny and courteous, but the steel isn’t too far below the surface.

Kelsie’s mother is Kelly, daughter of the late Jean, who founded Jean’s Place with her husband. She is a spirit and a presence. I loved the sneakers as well.

She reminded me a little bit of Maria, she dresses the way she wants to dress, not the way other people dress. She doesn’t live for others, but for the face in the mirror. Dignity and self-respect.

Something was pulling me to Jean’s place this morning besides the food.

We rarely go out for breakfast on a weekday, we are both workaholics (my new proofreading program changed this word to “alcoholics,” but I caught it. That would have been fun for you nitpickers..Sheesh!). But I wasn’t sure what put the idea into my head. As we ordered, Kelsie came over to bring our coffee and tea and take our order.

“Wow,” said Maria, I love your Wonder Woman dress, Kelsie.”

Wonder Woman is a great and enduring figure in our culture, a kickass woman one critic said put the “super” into “superhero.” Her clothes are a potent statement in our time.

I looked up and saw the dress, and I was dazzled. Then I knew that this was one reason I had wanted to come. Sometimes you just have to listen to yourself. This photo will go on my 10 best photos page.

“Where did you get that?,” I asked, practically applauding. “Online,” she said, beaming.

I love Jean’s Place, it makes me feel good and welcome just to walk in the door.  I don’t really need a special reason for going. “What? asked Kelsey as we ordered, “no oat bran pancakes today?” Not during the week, I said. They always want to anticipate me.

But I can’t even anticipate myself.

I also love strong women, I love photographing them. And marrying one.

Any woman who orders a Wonder Woman dress and wears it so proudly in a much-loved family restaurant in Hoosick Falls needs to be acknowledged, her attitude and pride affirmed. She knows who she is.

I am proud to bring you into my Strong Women Gallery, Kelsie, you are quite wonderful. Thanks for existing and for letting me into your world.

Yet one more reason I love your restaurant so much.

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