1 August

Going To Work. Infectious.

by Jon Katz

I am fortunate to have three different working dogs, my favorite kind of dogs. I didn’t realize how focused Boston Terriers could be on work, so Bud fits in well here.

In the morning, before we eat breakfast (at this farm, all the animals must eat before we do), we all go out to do the morning chores. Maria and I take photos and videos, and we clean out the barn, replenish the water bucket, rake up the paddock and check on the animals.

Bud goes and checks on his chipmunks, they are everywhere, Red comes out with me to sit and watch now, Fate rushes to the sheep, and wherever possible, do her spectacular but non-functional outruns. Fate likes any work, and she has plenty right now.

Even as he gets weak, Red is very eager to get to work, which is why I think it’s so important to take him out with us, even if it’s just to lie down out there.

I love the eagerness of these dogs to get outside and be in the world.

That excitement is just what I feel every morning, Maria too, when we get up to do our work, to write, make quilts (Maria is making a beautiful Butterfly quilt, she sold it before she finished it).

I am morally opposed to “push dogs,” dogs that rush out ahead of people. In their packs, nobody rushes the leader, in our house, no dog gets out the door before me, an essential stance for training and obedience.

If the dog thinks I have no authority, they have no reason to pay attention to my commands.

So I say “wait,” and then we wait for a minute or two, and I release them with the command “let’s go,” and they go barreling out the door, after Maria and me.

Their enthusiasm and eagerness lift me, get me excited about my work. Dogs always make me better. Once again, I am blessed with three wonderful dogs. Are they really wonderful, I wonder, or do I just see all of my dogs in that way?


  1. You opened up yourself to a coming barrage of comments with that last question. So many of us see things this way! All the dogs I’ve been lucky enough to have taught me things about myself and life. Also, you coined the phrase for me ‘we get the dogs we need’. Boy, is that the truth. Very often we only see it when looking back. How lucky are we?! Dogs bring the challenge, the sparkle, the strength, and the joy. Just sign me – beyond blessed.

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