30 July

Surprise For Georgina And Bert: The Secret Garden

by Jon Katz

Early this morning, I went over to the Mansion with some flowers for the new Georgina and Bert garden, which is tucked into an enclave by the side of the Mansion, in the shade of a huge maple tree.

It’s a private spot, a special spot, I like to show up at night and these the light from the cigarettes of these two as they go out for their final smoke. Georgina and Bert haven’t seen it yet, we all want it to be a surprise.

Georgina and Bert are two lively and very funny new residents at the Mansion, they have become best pals – they are both unrepentant smokers – and since smoking isn’t allowed in the Mansion, they started hanging out by the side of the Mansion in some old (and ratty) chairs.

Last Friday, the two them romped through the Friday Bingo game – they are seriously competitive Bingo players – and walked away with seven wins, a record. I called them the “Bingo Troublemakers,” and they could not have been happier or laughed harder.

They laugh and talk and plot and scheme all day out there in their Secret Garden, and I thought it would be fun to surprise them.  I pester them to find out what they need, they don’t like asking for things but am getting through.

Talking to them yesterday afternoon, looking at those chairs, seeing them fumble for a place to put their cigarettes, a light went on in my fevered brain. I had to get them a table and new chairs, so I spent the new few hours on an obsessive dash that ended up in Bennington at the Home Depot. I scored there.

I asked the Mansion aides about it – they often sit out in the garden with Georgina and Bert – and they said it was an awesome idea.

I think they deserve a nice friendship garden, a secret garden. It’s a nice spot, and I love seeing them out there, holding court, yakking, laughing, clouds of smoke rising above them.


I got two nice black outdoor rattan chairs, and a glass table to sit in between the chairs so they could put drinks (and cigarette packs) down on the table.

A number of people messaged me urging me to get Georgina and Bert cigarettes, saying it was their right to smoke outside and their business.

A part of me agrees, but their families have refused to get them cigarettes, and I need to respect that, it’s not appropriate for me to end-run the Mansion or their families. These two women can speak for themselves.

They are a great addition to the Mansion, and I look forward to getting to know them better and hearing their stories. I also want to support them in any way I can, and that is appropriate.

It is nice to see how excited the Mansion staff and aides are about the new garden. It only cost $144, but it will benefit not only Georgina and Bert but other residents down the line.

When I came this morning, Georgina and Burt were still sleeping, so I set out the flowers (thanks, Maria, for assembling the table) and placed the chairs and left. I’ll be back at 1 p.m. for my weekly story reading to the residents. I suspect I’ll see the Smoking Ladies out there then.

The Secret Garden has a special feel about it, already. Another sweet legacy from the Army Of Good, another small act of great kindness.

This is the Lord’s work, really, and I am privileged to be doing it. Thanks so much for your support.



  1. You said you like to surprise people and I think this picture says it all. How cool is that? Good job, Jon. This can be so much fun!!!!!!!!!!

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