30 July

Bert And Georgiana: Friendship And Life In The Secret Garden

by Jon Katz

There are sweet moments and hard moments at the Mansion, today was a day of sweet moments.

Bert and Georgiana didn’t discover their new Secret Garden until Georgiana got back from the doctor in Saratoga. Bert guessed it was me who got the tables and chairs, neither one of them could figure out where the flowers came from. Georgiana said she had never received flowers from a man, she didn’t expect it.

I also dropped off things they needed – Polident for dentures, perfume for Georgiana, new slippers for her,  baby powder, mouthwash.

Smell things, necessary things. And of course, the new tables and chairs.

Bert is quieter, more reserved, but she doesn’t miss anything. I told them I got up early to bring the flowers to the Mansion before they got up. I sat down and we had a good talk, both smoke a lot and would like to quit. Bert said she’d been smoking since she was 27, Georgiana said it might be longer for her.

They said their friendship began when both came outside to smoke. They were delighted with the renovations to their garden, while we were there, several other residents came out to smoke a cigarette, and then leave. No one else seemed interested in talking.

I was struck by their humor and energy. Georgiana seems very direct, and honest. Bert is quiet but also direct, they complement one another.

They both have great character in their faces, they both have mischievous gleams in their eyes and bearings that suggest they have seen a lot. Good for photos.

I asked if they would like to do a video with me, and they both jumped at it. I explained that the things I buy mostly come from a group of people called the Army of Good. I explained that we try to do good and commit small acts of great kindness.

They appreciated the idea, but I also think it seemed a bit strange to them.

I  enjoyed sitting with them and talking, it was easy and comfortable. I could see how much pleasure this little garden set-up would bring them, they spent hours here, and I suspect they would be sitting out in the winter smoking as well if they have clothes that are warm enough.

It was clear to me that they both want to quit, I had no advice for them, it’s not my job to pressure them one way or another. I told them I couldn’t buy cigarettes for them, that would be crossing a boundary. They both said they understood completely.

They excited to be in a video and I explained the blog to them. They wanted me to be sure and thank the people in the Army of Good who have contributed to this work and sent me contributions (Via Paypal, [email protected], by check Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.)

It felt natural to be sitting there talking like that, but that kind of back and forth conversation is unusual for me, I’m not sure why. These two are different, there’s a Thelma and Louse vibe to them.

It was great to help set up their Secret Garden, I can already see what it will mean to them



  1. I wish them much luck quitting smoking. Quitting (many years ago) was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life, but also one of the best.

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