29 July

Georgina And Bert’s Place. Running To The Home Depot

by Jon Katz

Georgina and Bert are both new to the Mansion, they are ferocious bingo players and I’ve gotten to know them at our Friday night Bingo Matches. Last week, the two won seven games between them in an hour.

When they first met, says Georgina, they became “cigarette” friends, they both outside, found two beat up old chairs and sat outside smoking for hours.  Smoking is not allowed inside the Mansion, but they are adults, they can smoke outside of they wanted. They became fast friends.

Georgiana (with Bert’s connivance) is always trying to get people to buy her cigarettes. Nobody will, including me. I’m also glad they can’t get their hands on any vodka.

Georgina needed a lot of things when she came, Bert doesn’t like to ask for anything. They are both funny and quick and witty. I call them the “Bingo Troublemakers,” and they love the name, they are both drawn to the idea of being outlaws of a sort, the Mansion’s own Thelma and Louise.

They are almost always together.

I visit them whenever I am at the Mansion, they love Fate and she returns the favor. Today, I asked them if there was anything they needed, and I left with a list of perfume, baby powder, Polident cleansing tablets, and mouthwash.

I never thought Georgina was quiet or shy but I did think Bert was. Wrong on both counts. These are two hell-raisers.

They bonded instantly with Fate, who had another stellar day at the Mansion yesterday and who knows something about raising Hell.

Like most of the woman in the Mansion, they won’t ask me for underwear or personal clothes, it’s too embarrassing. The aides will tell me if they need something. Georgina has she is looking for man, she even flirted with a neighbor across the street who came over to say hello.

They have made this little corner of the Mansion their hang out, other residents and aides stop by to visit, and you can hear the laughter and stories and raised voices all over the grounds.

I don’t know how much they spoke, but I’m glad their families won’t buy them any cigarettes. Still, they seem to have plenty to smoke.

They’ve made this space their own, it has deepened their friendship and lit up the Mansion. Their “garden” had one or two broken plastic chairs and no table, I sometimes saw a resident smoking there. Mostly, it was not used.

I went to Walgreen’s to get the things they need (I always ask the residents what they need), and on the way, it hit me how wonderful it would be to give them a meeting place they deserve. Maybe a table to put glasses on and nicer and more comfortable chairs.

I think these two will be out there all year round, yakking and puffing away. It seems like a beautiful friendship to me, Bert also has a wicked sense of humor, it’s drier than Georgina’s.

I stopped at one used furniture store but found nothing. I had to keep going, I drove to Bennington to Home Depot. There, by the door, I found two black rattan chairs and a glass-top table to go between the chairs. I brought it home and Maria assembled the table in minutes. It all cost $144.

It’s hard for me to comprehend all of the things Maria knows how to do.

Before it got dark, we brought it over to the Mansion, threw way the ratty chairs, set up the table and the new chairs.

I asked Tia and Kelly, the night aides, to come out and check it out and they loved the new garden, and the table and chairs. They suggested we surprise Georgina and Bert in the morning when they come out, as they always do, after breakfast, to talk and smoke.

Tomorrow morning, Maria and I will pick some flowers from our garden and bring them over and put them on the table. I can’t wait to take that photo.

I had so much fun doing this, and I can’t wait to see them sitting out there. I can’t say how good it feels to do this. This is the kind of things we do, enhancing lives, small acts of great kindness.

As always, I am grateful for your support and participation. You sold out the Bishop Maginn High School Wish List again, and you made it possible for me to buy this table and chairs for these two great women. (They both are eager for letters, you can write Bert or Georgina at The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.)

If you wish to support this work, please send a contribution to me via Paypal, [email protected] or by check, Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. Small donations in any amount are much appreciated.


  1. Because I have a bit of troublemaker in me as well, I’ll just throw this out there: if I am fortunate enough to live to be old and in need of such a facility, I hope that if I want to smoke someone will buy me cigarettes. And if they bring me vodka also, I will smoke 2 cigarettes at a time. Love the Thelma and Louise comparison. Go Bert and Georgina.


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