29 July

Backing Up His Bud

by Jon Katz

I didn’t see Red approach the sheep, I was cleaning up the pasture. Red seemed lost, and confused out there,  Bud came rushing up and got in Suzy’s face, barking and charging and distraction the sheep, like a barn swallow trying to get enemies away from her nest.

But always has Red’s back – unless he’s hot on the trail of a chipmunk.

He made so much noise she pushed the sheep back and away from Red. No one seems to have heard of a Boston Terrier doing anything like this.


  1. My Boston use to protect me from my Mother. He latched on to her wrist, one time, when she slapped me..never did that again with my dog around.

  2. My grandparents always had Boston Terriers. One rode on a motorcycle, but I never heard of any having any herding skills! But of course they were never exposed to sheep in the way that Bud is.

  3. Dogs can surprise us, can’t they? And this is a good surprise…shows that Bud is a brave little dog and loyal as well!

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