28 July

Red’s Reverie. Outside In The Gentle Breeze

by Jon Katz

Red is officially retired now, from therapy work, from sheep herding. He doesn’t go for rides or out on walks. His heart is weak and spine is fickle. He is calm, at peace, and we believe he is pain-free.

He enjoys hanging out with me, in the pasture, in the yard, watching the pasture and the sheep. I like to think he is at peace, I think he is.

We have no idea how long he can live, if I take good care of him and don’t let him run or move too much, he could live awhile. But he is almost totally blind now and is content when he is with me.

We had a lovely reverie out there in the yard today, the sun was out, there was a gentle but building breeze, Red was happy, checking where I was every now and then, seeing some sheep and the donkeys. Come along.

I  have no words, really.


  1. This is the worst part of having a pet. Their time with us is too short. My heart goes out to you and your family. Red will always be with you and in your heart. So sorry for your loss to come ?❤️

    1. This is a part of our life with dogs, they just don’t live as long as we do. The worst part for me is having a dog that has no life, no work, no love. Red has had a great life.

  2. Poor guy. Red had an incredible life and hopefully he just fades away without pain. What a lucky dog to have ended up at Bedlam Farm. The dog of Jon and Maria, folks at the mansion, those who get special appearances to and us, your loyal readers. Red, may you feel free to cross over or linger as long as you would like. You have left all of us better for having known you whether in person or internet. you are a champion. you did a great job with your magic eye. The sheep followed your orders. you will ne missed. Love you.

    1. Thanks, Trist. Mostly, I feel gratitude for Red, it has been nothing but wonderful. He’s had a long, healthy and very meaningful life.

  3. Rereading Running to the Mountain. The book gives me peace. May you and Red have peace at this time.

  4. Ah, yes, it is sad; but, let’s not be so maudlin. Let’s celebrate Red! He’s had a great life with Jon and Maria and has brought such joy to so many. You’re a lucky man, Jon. Thank you for sharing him with us.

    1. I’m not sad, Kim, and thanks. I’m very happy about my life with Red, it’s never going to be a misery. Thanks for the note.

  5. what a beautiful and meaningful way for Red to enjoy his time……….. it’s absolutely perfect for both of you. The breeze, the familiar smells and sounds…….doesn’t get any better than that. Eyes, or no eyes……… life is good as it should be, for as long as it can be
    Susan M

  6. The warm ground, a cool breeze, the sounds and smells of the farm…a dog and his human, both at peace, drinking the moment in. All we have is now, and sometimes, now is pretty damn good.

    Still remember Red’s remarkable outrun…I’ll bet he does too. You did good, both of you. Nothing to be sad about.

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