8 July

Four Jokes From Issachar, The Bedlam Farm Comic

by Jon Katz

Issachar is now a senior at the Bishop Maginn High School In Albany, N.Y., he is from Pakistan and has paid his dues and then some. He is bright, and has a gift for stand-up comedy, I believe.

He has accepted a position as official Bedlam Farm Comic and he delivers jokes to me each week when I visit the school. This week, he surprised me by offering up four jokes.

He makes them all up himself, he asks members of his family to give him a noun, and he goes from there. He says he wants to be a lawyer, and he would make a good one. Bud the world might have lost a quick and funny stand-up comic.

Issachar is also a voracious reader, certainly relating to anything about Marvel Comics.

(Thanks for your continuing support of the Bishop Maginn High School Amazon Wish List. There are only six items left on the list, several laptops and some school supplies (inexpensive). I’m getting the feeling that by September, the school will have a new choir, plenty of art supplies, school supplies for anyone who needs them, 26 laptops for the computer room, and microscopes for everyone in science class. Plus several of the Silverstein Art Gang are selling their paintings. Not bad for a month, and thanks, we are almost there.)


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