8 July

Apple Tree, Morning Fog

by Jon Katz

It was sometime after 4:30 a.m., I couldn’t sleep and went downstairs to read and  have something to drink. I read for a few minutes, and then – it wasn’t too long – I saw the morning light come up behind the fog, and I saw the faintest outlines of our other apple tree, the one behind the pole barn.

I always want to photograph this beautiful and evocative tree, but I usually can’t find the right angle. This morning, as I walked out the back (yes, with no clothes but a working shirt) and towards the sun, the little apple tree emerged from the clouds, she was almost magically  back lit, and by the sun, no less.

I think this was the photograph I was waiting for, mystical, even eerie, yet beautiful and  broody.


  1. This is a winner. Magnificent. It will sell, I am certain, if you decide to put it up for sale. Just magnificent.

  2. Great photos Sunday and Monday are Sunday pasture and two donkeys for sale I look forward to your post every nite I get them about 2206 hours every nite thanks for being you. Ps July 9 I will be a grandma for twenty years pretty special club / welcome to “ the club”

    1. Thanks for the good words. This photo is up for sale on Maria’s Etsy Shop as of noon today (Tuesday.) If anyone wants another photo, please e-mail [email protected], she’s handling the sales..thanks.

  3. This is a very beautiful photograph…Kabbalistic…Looking at it makes my breath expand. Thank you!

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