I am especially proud of the statement being made this weekend on behalf of patriots – they call themselves The Army Of Good- who are affirming America’s proudest values by purchasing Fall school supplies for the students at Bishop Maginn High School in Albany, N.Y..
These are the students who wear sandals in the winter and whose families are unable to purchase, backpacks, pencils, notebooks and other essential items. They are the children of refugees, they have suffered greatly and want nothing more than to live safely and contribute to life in America.
These children are not rapists, gang members or murders, they do us no harm, and offer us much good.
The Army of Good Has purchased 148 items over the last 10 days on the new Bishop Maginn High School Amazon Wish List. I can’t think of a more patriotic gesture than helping this struggling urban Catholic High School help the needy, poor and vulnerable students of their city.
I can’t thank you enough.
The supplies, a short and inexpensive list – pens, pencils, markers, paper, folders – range in price from $5 to $14.99. At this rate, I believe we will buy enough school supplies for every student who needs one by August, if not sooner.
Only 13 items remain on this Wish List, including just three Acer Chrome laptops, they cost roughly $200 apiece. When we began the Wish List, the school had no computers for the students.
We have done a stunningly effective job in just a month or two to support the strong religious and ethical foundation of Bishop Maginn…to help the poor and needy and vulnerable first, ahead of profit or dogma.
They not only worship the principals of Christ, they practice them and the vast majority of new refugee students are not even Christian. The school is not reviving its art, music and science departments thanks to the support we are providing.
We kickstarted a new choir (keyboard to come), got chairs and stands for the new music room, are purchasing laptops for the school’s first Computer Lab (one more to go on the wish list), we bought enough microscopes – more than 20 – for the science department, and we just bought enough backpacks for every refugee child who needs one.
We have also sold more than 15 paintings by the Bishop Maginn Art Class. I put another one up for sale this afternoon, a remarkable work by Blue, a refugee from Asia.
We have also bought shoes, sneakers, caps, shirts and pants for a number of students with no resources to by these things or even personal items relating to hygiene, plus art supplies (the teachers were buying art supplies out of their own pockets), and we bought enough books for the summer reading program.
A wonderful donor is sending a $1,000 check to Bishop Maginn to buy more laptops, this should bring is very close to the total number we need.
Wish Lists are my favorite way to donate to a school like Bishop Maginn. People can privately choose the gift and amount they choose, and know where it is going and to whom. If you need the address to ship via Amazon (address list), it is Bishop Maginn High School, 75 Park Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12816.
Donations to Bishop Maginn are tax deductible, you can contribute directly to the school: Bishop Maginn High School, c/o Principal Mike Tolan, 75 Park Avenue, Albany, N.Y., 12202. The number if you need it, is 518 463-2247.
I also purchase clothes and personal items like books and art supplies and toiletries – sometimes groceries – for the refugees and Mansion residents directly. If you wish to contribute to my Refugee/Mansion Fund, you can do so via Paypal, jon@bedamfarm.com or by check to Jon Katz., Mansion/Refugee Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
Small donations are very welcome, those $5 checks make me cry with joy. Everyone is welcome to help the work of the Army Of Good, and thank you.