24 June

Blue’s Zodiac: Circles Of Good

by Jon Katz

Blue’s “My Zodiac” water color is for sale for $25. Yesterday, an artist named Carol Richards bought one of Blue’s paintings, Carol is in North Carolina and she loves Blue’s work and also is eager to support her. I sent her message to Sue Silverstein, who sent it along to Blue.

I love this idea of Circles Of Good, the wheel keeps turning and turning, and like-minded people can find each other and support each other. These Circles Of Good are forming around the Bishop Maginn Wish List, teachers and artists and refugee supporters reaching out and talking to each other.

Blue is one of the gifted artists in the Silverstein Art Gang at Bishop Maginn High School, a very special place and school opening its hearts and classrooms up to the desperately poor and vulnerable refugee students whose lives have been upended and shattered by conflict, even genocide.

A number of people have contacted Principal Mike Tolan about helping buy school supplies for the winter. He and I love this idea. Mike tells me about one-half of Bishop Maginn’s students show up in September with no school supplies of any kind.

I told him this a perfect project for the new Bishop Maginn Amazon Wish List. The $10 and $25 gift cards are a hit, thank you. We’ll be posting some school supplies on the list also. There is no better way to start the day.

Thanks, thanks, thanks.

This Blue’s Zodiac period, she is often up at night watching the stars. This painting is for sale for $25, if you are interested, it’s called “My Zodiac,” and if you wish to buy it, e-mail me at [email protected]. I like this new role as art agent, I think I have a knack for it. Especially with such excellent artists.

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