21 June

My Dog Red, The George Washington Of Dogs?

by Jon Katz

My dog Red is an iconic figure to me. Watching him today sitting so regally I had this odd thought that Red was the George Washington of dogs. I read a lot of history, and I’ve read a lot about George Washington.

Washington had a great and consistent bearing, as does Red. He had a great dignity he carried about that may have been his greatest asset. He rarely spoke and had a strong passion for the greater good.

Just like Red.

He could be a warrior, but was more than that, a planter and farmer at heart. He was a General, but happiest to leave glory behind and just retreat to his life and farm.

It seems somewhat grandiose  and strange to compare a border collie to the so-called father of our country. Red sits for portraits in the same way Washington, with great bearing and presence.

Red is not the smartest dog in the world, or the most flashy or charismatic. He just does his duty, day after day, for his own country. He will have kept his grace and dignity to the end.

Washington was not the most eloquent of leaders, but his simplicity and steadfastness- and  humility –  is much like Red’s “I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an  honest man.”

Red is an honest dog, he would never deign to steal a piece of food off of a counter, or chase a cat or pick on a smaller dog or skulk around if he did something wrong. If he did (think of the Cherry Tree) he would stand up and take his medicine.

Red is steadfast, like Washington was, and loyal, like Washington was. He is ethical always, he has never harmed a sheep or even drawn blood from one, yet his authority has always been absolute and unquestioned.

He might be more loving than Washington was, I can’t see the great leader doing hospice and therapy work. But otherwise…

I can’t justify this comparison any more than to see it came to me today watching Red, old and blind and often in pain, doing his dutifully faithfully and without complaint or drama.

This kind of dignity and presence can only come from within, and is the rarest thing.


  1. I think we need more leaders in Washington like Red – Dignified honest steadfast and humble. Your words to describe Red are the qualities I’d like to see in our next president!

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