19 June

The Silverstein Art Gang: Bishop Maginn High School

by Jon Katz

So it turns out that three talented artists in Sue Silverstein’s art class at Bishop Maginn High School in Albany, N.Y. are great friends, they go to school together, love each other, paint together.

The school is closed for the summer, but these students, upperclassmen, even seniors, come in to hang out, they have nowhere else to go, and they love to paint

Sue opens up the classroom several mornings a week (no, she doesn’t get paid for that work). All three of these artists – I am calling them the Silverstein Art Gang in honor of their very devoted teacher –  have sold their paintings on this blog.

They are all using the supplies that the Army Of Good bought them on the new Bishop Maginn Amazon Wish List. Asher is from Pakistan, Blue from Japen, and Paw Lway Shee from Myanmar, she has spent much of her life in refugee camps.

Paw Lway Shee was the first member of the class to sell a painting (I’m offering another one of her paintings for sale in the morning.) It is lovely to see how much they care for one another, and support each other in their art.

Sue Silverstein had done an amazing thing  with these children.

All of them have very hard, even horrific, stories to tell, none of them ever complain about their lives. Sue has been encouraging their art work for some time. Encouragement is something they very much needed.

I messaged Sue that Blue had sold another painting, and she answered me with this response:

I’m so happy for her! She’s transforming into a much more confident happy person! I had to laugh at the cheesecake in her self portrait-it’s the only thing I’ve ever seen her eat with reckless abandon! Thank you to you and Maria and everyone who believes in her. That’s all it takes! Paw Lway Shee is transforming too. She’s talking more, smiling more, so are the twins. I’m like a mother hen seeing her children’s success and loving it! Bless the Army of Good. I wonder if they have a true and honest idea of the lives they are changing!”

I told her I’m sure the Army Of Good does know the good they are doing, although I am lucky enough to see the truth of Sue’s message when I see them. Today, Issachar went out on the way to school to buy some flowers for Maria, he thought she might be coming with me today.

I too have seen a dramatic change in the demeanor and spirit of these children. They are much inspired by these new art tools.

Sue, who is an angel,  has been fighting for them for years,  she paid for art supplies with her own money, and had to often tell them there was no money for supplies. They love to be with her and in her classroom,  to show her their work. One of the twins said it was the first time in his life he felt completely safe.

This is all the more meaningful after I’ve heard the stories of how they survived and what they have endured. Two of the girls in the class told me they were taught never to look a man straight in the eyes, it could cost them their lives.

I love this photo, it captured the spirit of the place, these three artists, the Silverstein Art Gang at Bishop Maginn High School. I don’t know what they were like before I met them, but there is much joy in the room. I had a long talk with Blue today about the importance of selling her work.

Sue is right, this work is important. Today, the school helped a seventh grader in the public school system find a placement in another private school. She was beaten up badly trying to protect another refugee student who was being attacked. She had to go to the hospital for a week for her injuries and she is terrified of returning to that school.

Bishop Maginn promised her a place in the school next year, she was accepted instantly.

She is planning to come to Bishop Maginn next year, when she can enter the eighth grade. This school has become so important to the refugee community, they don’t turn anybody away for lack of money. Which is why they have so little in their budget for computers or microscopes.

Blue is very happy. She is becoming very disciplined, she loves painting, and the selling of her paintings has trigged an intense interest in her work. She is changing right before my eyes, I think the camera is catching it. She told me she was drifting to a bad place before she started painting her photos and selling some.

She said she was very much inspired by meeting Maria, and by selling her work. A good choice of a role model, I said.

Below, a sneak preview of the new Paw Lway Shee and her painting.  I’m putting it up for sale in the morning. It’s $50, write me,  jon@bedlamfarm.com if you’re interested. Paw Lway Shee has sold two paintings already.  Her paintings are inspired by the Karen culture, which is festive and colorful.

All the money goes straight to these remarkable children, they can all use it.

I’m honored to be helping these new artists sell their work and build confidence in themselves and to find hope.

I am also pleased to report that the summer reading books on the Bishop Maginn Amazon Wish List have all been purchased. Only two microscopes and three Acer Chrome laptops remain on this list. Two more computers will take us past the halfway mark for the laptops, the first new technology to enter the lives of these refugee children, and the school.

And thanks to the scientist in Houston who sent up some beautiful slides for the students to use in their microscope. Art and science and music are returning to their rightful home: the school. You are a gem, whoever you are.

Today I brought books for Glue, Issachar (joke books) and Asher (Harry Potter).

You can help me support these children – they have many urgent personal needs. Send your contribution via Paypal, jon@bedlamfarm.com,  or to me at Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. Please mark them for “Bishop Maginn” or the “Mansion.” I am saving money up for winter clothes, no more coming to school in sandals in January.

And thank you. Small donations are very welcome, as are bigger ones.


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