19 May

The New People’s Porch

by Jon Katz

If you blink around here, things change. We reclaimed the back porch for humans yesterday, we moved Ed Gulley’s bench and some of the cat lounging pillows, brought out a different table, and cleaned off the porch.

The cats still have their boxes and pillows, but we now have a table and chairs where we can eat breakfast or dinner, or sit out and read, or just enjoy being outside in nice weather.

Maria did her usual Tasmanian dervish/devil routine and re-arranged things in about a half hour. I like the clean, artsy Tuscany look, especially with all of the flowers and hanging baskets. Even Fate like it enough to lie down for a minute or two. Maria is making sure the cats have good lounging places, Flo already likes to sit on the table.

I call it the People’s Porch, we’re taking it back from the animals.

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