19 May

Brushing Red

by Jon Katz

Dogs rarely wither and die in my experience, they rarely progress in a straight line. There are always ups and downs until one day, there are no more ups. Red had a bad day on Saturday, a better day today.

He seemed to lie more comfortably and move more easily. We brushed him, and Red loves attention, he seemed to love being brushed.


  1. I live on a farm. As much as we love animals, their lives end. I know you will allow Red to die with dignity, but his life will end. Those of us who live with animals will understand.

  2. That is just a picture of deep love, I hope you treasure it. Your two deepest love beings united.

    Thank you for your service Red. You were meant to do a lot and your partnership with Jon ensured that. Bud will soldier on with the sheep in your honor, you were his lifeline between the old world and his new wonderful one.

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