13 May

Podcast No. 9: The Importance Of Arguing

by Jon Katz

Today, Maria and I offer our 9th podcast. To date, we’ve had more than 3,000 downloads on Spreaker.com and an unknown number of Itunes and Google.

We are off to a good start. We plan to share our lives and the lives of our animals on our farm every week, honestly and openly.

The response has been positive and appreciated.

In this podcast, we talk about fighting and argument, the things we, like any couple, will fight about from time to time, some of the irritations and misunderstandings that can lead to serious difficulty in a relationship.

And how we deal with them, living together on our farm with donkeys, sheep, dogs, cats and chickens.We hope to talk about life in the country as well, E.B. White’s writing about his farm in Maine has always inspired me.

Maria and I are increasingly well known as a couple through our writings and blogs and art. Parts of our lives are separate, but often we come together.

I get a lot of questions about us, most of which I don’t care to answer on Facebook or via e-mail. Almost every message I get now begins with “Dear Jon and Maria.” We are different people, with very different work, but increasingly viewed as one entity.

I believe that arguments are, within reason, healthy and important in any healthy and lasting relationship. We have learned to talk about our conflicts, I see them as flushing the bad stuff our of a relationship, keeping it healthy and empathetic

Some of our fights are small, some are bigger and more serious. Some are actually fun, some can sting. We talk about this as part of our commitment to share our lives, but also in the hope that we can help others by talking about the lessons we have learned.

I never imagined so much happiness in any relationship, so it is important for me to share it.

Come and listen here or by clicking on the yellow button below or the “podcast” button at the top of the Farm Journal Page. Let me know what you think, [email protected].

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