12 May

Barn In A Fairy Tale

by Jon Katz

Sometimes, used in the right way (the infrared loves cloudy days, sunlight makes it a little crazy) the camera can create a mystical, almost fairy tale feeling. This collapsed barn, framed by budding leaves, looks like a fairy tale barn to me, elves and trolls and spirits might live inside of it.

I’ve taken pictures of this barn many times, but it never struck me before the infrared camera that this barn was mystical, part of a fairy tale. See the world anew.


  1. You’re so right Jon! Makes me think of the big, bad wolf huffing, puffing and blowing down The Three Little Pigs’ stick house!

  2. I see a face over there on the lower right corner of the barn. It’s in profile, with one large eye, open wide, a nose, and a mouth. He has lived there a very long time.

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