11 May

Sylvie, The Mansion Queen

by Jon Katz

I bought Sylvie a beautiful old journal book – no lines on the pages, which I know she treasures. I know she makes notes about her faith and her friends and there are notes and paper scattered all over her room.

She loved the book, I found her in the activity room, sitting on what looked to be a throne in a gorgeous red robe. She had been sick and was recovering. She had one of her new hats on.

Her walker, next to her was shrouded in tote bags – she lost most of hers. Sylvie has a regal bearing, I call her the Mansion Queen. Like Maria, she is very much her own person, she dresses in  her own style, like no one else.

I miss her in my meditation class. She is a Jehovah’s Witness  and she said she learned that meditation was not compatible with her faith, and I respect that, of course. Sylvie knows her mind.

She is a serious person, full of memory and faith. She is a faithful letter reader and writer. She considers the people who write her to be her friends, and now that I am putting stamps on them and checking the addresses, many are now getting through.

You can write Sylvie c/o The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

It is a privilege – a small thing – to supply Sylvie with stamps, envelopes, writing paper and some journals (and tote bags, of course.) She never fails to thank me, and I hope I never fail to thank you.


  1. Would so love to see a smile on this serious face. Hope you can catch her with one. You say she is serious. Perhaps there are no smiles from Sylvie? she wrote me a long letter which I have yet to answer. I see a letter of that length would take much time and thought. Thanks for being so diligent inhelping Sylvie with her correspondence.

    1. Sylvie doesn’t smile…except through her eyes..I wouldn’t try to make her smile any other way,,

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