8 May

Portrait, Red

by Jon Katz

Red is a dog of great heart, and great character. Whenever I look up, he is watching me, waiting for me in the way Spirit Dogs watch over their people. Red is almost entirely blind  now, I’m not sure what he sees, but he always seems to know where I am.

I think the two words that most frequently describe Red for me are “strong” and “gentle.” Red is a beautiful dog, sweet and patient in nature, strong and unrelenting in his work.

He has white hairs in his coat now, and he is slow getting up. He and I are going to see my friend in hospice care this afternoon, Red is coming also


  1. Homeopathy can help animals… Author Richard Pitcairn DMV. Recover or minimize injuries pain and dysfunction. Red deserves that option. Think… Arnica 30c. post trauma, Symphytum 30c broken bones. Hypericum 30c nerve injury.

    1. Thanks doc, but I have a fine vet and I trust her, she is open to all kinds of medicine, I don’t accept medical advice from strangers online. Digital diagnoses seem less than responsible to me.

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