8 May

Congratulations, Geese!: In Our Backyard, The Wheel Turns

by Jon Katz

Congratulations to our resident geese. Looks like six babies.

I respect the cycle of life, darkness, light, death, life. Today it was life’s turn to show us the miracle of life and nature, right in our backyard.

Death has been on my mind this week, and this morning, we were delighted to go outside and see our annual Spring visitors, two geese walking close to the pond. I suspected something was up.

They have been nesting near the pond, and fending off Bud, who loves chasing them but not catching them (he is no fool).

When Bud started to chase them them this morning, they didn’t fly off, they stayed in the pond, retreating into the tall marsh grass, which told me they were protecting something, most likely, their newborn goslings.

We see this every Spring.

I was right.

Bud forgot about chasing them, and Maria grabbed her smartphone and I had my big lens camera for once. I am always in awe of what diligent parents wild creatures are, they flee from humans but will defend their babies to the death and watch over them every minute.

I think they know now – these two come every Spring – that we are no threat and neither is Bud, and if he got too close, he would regret it, which he seems to know.

Still, mother and father flanked the newborns, keeping them together and away from the strange people on the bank.

It is a beautiful to see in our backyard, it refreshes and uplifts us.

I am so grateful to have finally understood the need for me to be living in nature, reminded daily of the cycle of life and challenge and death. I respect life, I accept it.

I think these newborns are symbols, they remind me of the joy of creation, they humble me and remind me to be grateful. I can’t think of a lovelier way to begin the day.


  1. What a beautiful photograph and reminder of the cycle of life! It was a lovely start to my day.

  2. Our goose friends just had 6 babies here as well. I bring them a little extra food each day and they appreciate it. They still show me their pink tongues but they don’t hiss or posture.

    They are amazing parents.

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