6 May

Go Get The Sheep

by Jon Katz

We went out to do the afternoon chores and one of the sheep was off in back of the pasture grazing alone. “Go get the sheep,” I said to Bud, and to my surprise, that”s just what he did.


  1. he watched-he learned-he waited for his turn; thanks Dad for giving me a chance to show you my lessons

  2. The story of Bud is amazing!! The way he looks after Red is remarkable. I know you are just as much in awe
    as your readers are. He is a magical little guy and will do fine in the circus 🙂

  3. Bud want’s too please you and he has learned from the best, I have seen it many times dog’s learn from each other usually it’s some negative behavior more often then not, but occasionally it happens they pick up some thing positive. He knows the commands he’s heard them many times this last year only you were giving them to Red. He was listening and watching and dog’s have their own language between each other and Bud knows Red is unable to do it. Just because he’s not a sheep dog doesn’t mean he can’t learn it and try to do it even if he may not be as effective.

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