30 April

The Podcasts

by Jon Katz

We’ve put seven podcasts up so far, they have received a total of 1,600 downloads and views. We are registered both on Itunes and Google under the name “Katz and Wulf On Bedlam Farm.”

That’s pretty great for a few days, thank you. Feel free to subscribe.

You can see all the episodes on Spreaker, which is holding our library, along with Itunes. We record the posts on Zoom.com, upload them to Spreaker, which also sends them to Tunes and Google.

Our podcasts are recorded on a Shure microphone attached to my main computer in my study, Maria pulls up a chair and we sip our tea. We are learning to turn off the iphones, and crate Fate and Bud, they are just too curious.

I’ve had some throat issues, but with some help from a new doctor, they are clearing up. I still do some lip smacking, take it or leave it.

We want the podcasts to be authentic, you can hear cars and trucks once in awhile, a barking or whining dog, a text message beep on a smartphone.

We used Simon’s bray, his “call to life,’ as an introduction. We introduce ourselves and start talking to one another We hope to capture life in a small town (think E.B. White), life with animals, with each other, and on our farm. Abrah Griggs, who designed my wonderful blog graphic, is also working on a graph that can work as a symbol of our podcast.

We are still figuring things out. When we went to the Boston  Aquarium Sunday, we came home on Monday, unpacked and checked on the animals, then did our podcast. We were tired, and the first version was dull, so we did another, it seemed to click.

Maria and I talk with each other all the time, we want the podcast to feel like a conversation between the two of us. We don’t edit it or rehearse it in any way. We just pick a topic, and only briefly stick with that.

The big surprise for me is Maria’s ease and comfort with the format, it is as if she has been doing it for years. Neither of us is ever at a loss for words, so it feels good on our end, and hopefully, on yours.

My job is to focus our conversations and step back and try to look at the larger context. Maria’s role is to be herself and say whatever she wants. No problem.

I love the podcast format, it is intimate and personal, one on one media. I think it’s a wonderful antidote to the corporate media that is drowning all of us in anger and tension.

So check out our new podcasts and feel free to let us know what  you think, [email protected] or [email protected].


  1. Really enjoying the podcasts; especially the one about your trip to the aquarium.
    The relaxed atmosphere generated by the two of you chatting together makes for a very interesting
    listening experience.

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