30 April

Farm Dog. Bud Looks A Bit Humbled

by Jon Katz

(Check out our newest podcast here)

The first thing Bud does when he goes outside in the morning is rush up to the donkeys and bark at them through the fence (he’s too smart to do it up close) and at first, the donkeys were incredulous, they looked at him as if he were a frog who dropped out of the sky.

Gradually, they got used to him, and sniff him once in awhile, but donkeys have seen it all throughout their storied history, and a feisty Boston Terrier doesn’t impress them much.

So we put Bud up on Fanny’s back – she loved giving Gus rides around the pasture. He was humbled a bit, okay but I thought a big nervous (his ears were back at first). Just he relaxed, Fanny went over to the feeder to get some hay and Bud jumped off when she moved.

Knowing Bud, he will be hopping up on their backs in a week or two. It was a neat sight to see how much this dog loves being a farm, and loves all the creatures here, even the ones he torments once in a while.


  1. If Bud is like any other terrier I’ve known, give him a treat just once for riding on a donkey and it will quickly become an everyday event. The stomach rules!!

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