23 April

Small Dog Herding Report. How Bud Herds

by Jon Katz

Well, there seems little doubt that Bud is doing some herding. He does a little bit of it every day.

Bud is like a border collie in that he seems to want to keep the flock together. They will respond to him now, if one breaks away Bud will come around them and turn them from the front, just like a border collies.

Unlike a border collie, Bud is easily distracted. He won’t herd them for long, and if he sees a rabbit or smells something good, he will abandon the sheep quickly to explore.

Bud also doesn’t  have the stamina of Red or Fate, if there is too much running in the sun for more than a couple of minutes, he starts to pant heavily and runs out of gas. Because of their short snouts, he can’t cool down the air he breathes, and the border collies can.

I think Bud has the smarts and presence to herd the sheep, but he doesn’t have the body or lungs to do it for long. Still, he did a great job of pushing the sheep towards the rear pasture.

When he sets his mind on moving them, they move.


  1. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? How much is instinct and breeding and how much is environmental copy-cat behavior.
    And then there is Fate!!

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