18 April

Don’t We All Have Great Dogs? Raise Your Hands…

by Jon Katz

I was walking on Main Street the other day and I ran into an older couple, he had three of the ugliest dogs I have ever seen on a leash. They were grumpy dogs, one was drooling, the other smelled really bad, and the third seemed like a dog from outer space that only flies could love, he was so out of it. All three were shaped oddly and out of proportion.

“We rescued them all from bad people,” she said proudly, full of love for them.

The couple spotted me and knew who I was and insisted I meet their three dogs. I went over and the introduced myself to the dogs, and the couple just gushed. “Aren’t they beautiful? We are so lucky to have such beautiful and wonderful dogs! I had no choice but to fuss over Mickey, Agnes, and Storm.”

I nodded and smiled. I congratulated them on their good dog fortune. They beamed at my endorsement.

I was thinking about this sweet couple and these very lucky dogs.

I feel the same way about my dogs, and I have often thought that everybody loves their dogs and thinks they are great and wonderful and beautiful. That is the mystical power of dogs, to give love and draw love.

I saw my three dogs on the back porch this morning and I thought the same thing this couple thought. Once again, I have some great dogs. Red is the veteran, the anchor, the close-to-perfect Ur dog who does everything and causes no trouble.

Fate is our perennial teenage dog,  an enthusiasm and love and joy machine, Fate has more fun not herding sheep than any border could have working with them. But adds the perfect balance to the mix, a perennial trouble-maker, King Of The Hill, his mayhem balanced with his big heart and loving was.

My dogs always seem to want to pose for me, they fan out in a light look at the camera, except for Red, who never looks directly into the camera.

These dogs might seem  ugly or strange to other people, how would I know?

I don’t know if I see them in any way but the way in which I want or need to see them. Maybe they are my Mickey, Agnes and Storm.

This is one of the great things about dogs, they become what they need us to be, and we see them in the way we need to see them. If you have a great dog, raise our hand..


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