18 April

Cynthias Saves The Gardens! A Victory For The Ages (and Aging)

by Jon Katz

My friend Cynthia Daniello, an 84-year-old writer and blogger from Virginia, has saved the gardens at  her independent living facility in Bedford, Virginia.

Yesterday, the curiously arrogant and arbitrary owners of Joseph’s Dream, the residence where she lives, withdrew its demand that the residents tear up or otherwise destroy their gardens so they can all be uniform and stacked only with approved flowers.

Unfortunately, she was not able to save the residents bird feeders, the facility’s management – they are owned by Metropolitan Properties of Washington, Virginia, insists they are “dirty’ and attracted unwanted squirrels and rodents. The angry and frightened residents had begun taking down their bird feeders, fearing promised “inspections.”

The residents were deeply upset by these Draconian regulations, and most were afraid to protest, they were afraid of being evicted. Cynthia led the resistance.

A week ago, she started her own blog, My Never Ending Story. You can e-mail Cynthias at [email protected].

The readers on my blog chimed in and many wrote letters to Joseph Moore, the person behind the bans. He is [email protected] if anybody wishes to write to him. I also called a dozen reporters and TV producers and I know at least two contacted Metropolitan Properties.

Soon after, Mr. Moore decided the garden ban was “ambiguous” and backed down, insisting only that no flowers be more than 10 inches high. I can’t quite imagine why, unless the management is just into blind control and stifling the creativity and individuality and creativity of the aged.

I have the greatest admiration and respect for Cynthia Daniello, who chose to speak her mind and go to bat for the vulnerable. I can say from my own work that the aging desperately need to have the opportunity to have living things around them, and to use the creativity and energy it takes to have a successful and healthy garden.

Every expert on the aging would testify that these activities – bird watching and gardening – are precisely what the elderly should be encouraged to be doing, not banned. I can’t imaging what their motives are, and Joseph Moore is not interested in speaking with me about it.

Cynthia has been forbidden to have a cat “warming cottage” on her porch, she keeps it for a feral cat that lives in her community. And she is concerned for some of the residents who cherished their feeders and spent beautiful hours watching birds from outside of their window.

Cynthia Daniello is in a wheel chair, but her independence and moral strength are in no way diminished. I think the management of Joseph’s Dream,  her independence living facility, have not heard the end of this, and I wouldn’t bet against those bird feeders returning either.


  1. You’ve got that right! Just taking an Easter break and then I will back on the bandstand
    calling all birds to the feeders. All outside help is appreciated.

  2. Until they can get approval they could sow some seed on their flower beds. It’s not their fault if the birds eat it. I wish they would relent about the hummingbird feeder however, it doesn’t draw vermin and the lady loves it so.

  3. Yey – well done – fantastic news. I sent my message off to him once I had the right address but not surprisingly didn’t have the courtesy of a reply but maybe it added to Cynthia’s case a bit.

  4. So proud for Cynthia – cogs in the machine depend on fear at all levels. Joseph’s Dream is an interesting name for the place, if Joseph Moore is whose dream it refers to, it is a bit of a misnomer – and nightmare. I understand some of the feeder issues, there are some truths in some places to some of those problems but they can be resolved with a little effort. If nothing else feed hummers and finches as nyjer doesn’t attract rodents.

    As for the plants – 10″ limit, egads. I guess ensuring no sunflowers is important.

    A great starting victory. This is why at 65 I don’t feel a living facility is my Plan A for the future (should I need help). The “system” (in its first salvo through medicine) has done enough to me already thankyouverymuch

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