17 April

Change A Life: Now, A Refugee Scholarship Fund For Eh K Pru

by Jon Katz

I am  grateful to the Albany Academy for creating a permanent  and tax deductible refugee scholarship fund page to support Eh K Pru Shee Wah’s tuition this year.  Hopefully, we’ll get to use it again.

Eh K Pru is 13 years old, an honors student at the Hackett Middle School in Albany, N.Y.. She spent 10 years of her life in a refugee camp, and was just accepted at the Albany Academy, an academically rigorous and widely respect private school in Albany.

I asked for such a page for two reasons.

One, so that the money can easily and quickly go right where it belongs – we don’t need a middle-man here, and the second reason is that your contributions to this fund will be tax-deductible, something I can’t offer.

I am committed to trying to raise $6,000 for this year, and for two years after that. Alex Borgess, an Academy senior, has raised money for the shortfall for the final year as a part of his class project.

I’d also like to pay Eh K Pru’s lunch costs – about $375 – and other costs and fees, (uniform, school supplies.)

I don’t think we  will be raising funds for another refugee student in this calendar year. I did send tuition support for Sakler Moo for the coming school year. The school will take over  his financial arrangements from here.

Eh K Pru’s story is a powerful one. Her family fled persecution in Myanmar and is working hard to assimilate to the United States. They are here legally, of course, and pay taxes and work just like any other Americans. They are not criminals here to take people’s jobs.

In just a few years, she has risen to become one of the most successful children in her very large school.

This is a worthwhile thing to do, I believe, it will change a life in the most profound way, Eh K Pru is one of the most gifted students in her class or school. Her teacher, Kathy Saso has recommended her highly and supported her every step of the way.

She is charming, gracious, and poised.

I believe this is the best and most efficient way for the Army Of Good to support the refugee community, and I am happy I can offer a tax-deductible way of doing it. The school will send donors the appropriate forms.

The Academy donation forms are clear and simple. There is a box which says “In Honor Of, and you can write Eh K Pru’s name there. Any overage will automatically be applied to the money owed for next year.

I’m seeking to raise $24,000 all told so Eh K Pru can be safe and the school gets paid what it is owed for Eh K Pru’s high school career. The school is giving her a $21,000 a year scholarship.

I hope you support this campaign for Eh K Pru, perhaps even bookmark the refugee scholarship page and contribute more than once, as you can. I’d like to have this money collected in a few months, if possible. I appreciate your support.

This matters, at least to me, and I hope to you. This is what the Army Of Good is all about, doing good relentlessly in contentious times.

You can contribute here in any amount, please mention Eh K Pru when you fill out the forms and send your donations, large or small. I will keep you posted as to the amount we are raising. We have done it before, I have every faith we will do it again.

And hopefully, the tax-deductible option will make it easier for you.

For me, the descendent of brave refugees who risked everything to get to America so I could live freely and safely, this is a patriotic duty, a great debt I can never really repay but which I can honor in this way.

This is what America is and has always been about for me and my people.

We are not a perfect country, we have no always kept our promises to people, but I think this is one promise we can keep. For the rest of my life, I will smile thinking of this opportunity we are giving this worthy and courageous child.

I know some of you prefer to send your contributions to me, especially the smaller amounts, and that is possible. You can contribute via Paypal, [email protected]  or Jon Katz, Refugee Fund, Eh K Pru, P.O.  Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

I’ll transmit any of those donations directly to the school fund for Eh K Pru.

This is a large act of great kindness, a life-changer. Thanks for considering it. You can donate here.


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