16 April

Mickey In Spring

by Jon Katz

I pay Mickey $3 to $5 every time I take his photo. I’m not certain what he does with the money, and I don’t ask him. I see that he buys coffee and chili in cold weather, and coffee and cigarettes when he is warm. Mickey is a street person by day but he has a good place to sleep and good food.

He also is one of the spiffiest dressers in town, although he doesn’t pay much attention to the weather when he dresses. Lots of people in town giveĀ  him used or sometimes new clothes.

More and more I think Mickey remembers my scheduled. On nice days, he sits on the bench in front of the huge Presbyterian Church, right across from two convenience stores.

I seem to come across him near the Mansion a lot as well. We talk a bit, about the weather and his stepbrother George Forss, the photographer. I always ask him if I can take his photo, and he always says yes.

He calls me “Mr. Katz,” the only person in my town who does that. I pay him a few dollars or give him a $5 bill, depending on how much money I have in my pocket. He always says thank you and heads off to the convenience store.

He looked very relaxed today, Mickey lives within the boundaries of his own imagination.

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