10 April

Standoff: A Small Dog, Ten Big Sheep

by Jon Katz

Bud is not into subtlety when it comes to herding sheep. Izzy was off by himself and Bud is good at this, he took off and got around him and drove him (chased?) him back to the flock.

The sheep banded together when Izzy arrived, almost as if they had called a meeting to decide what to do with this little and loud pest who guards Red and went out and chased them back to the flock.

Susie came forward, not impressed by Bud and his barking. This is where the border collie “eye”comes in, Bud does not have many tools in the shed when it comes to actually moving the sheep where he wants them to go.

They touched noses, Susie wouldn’t blink and Bud wouldn’t back off.

He dare not get too close, or he could get smushed, the sheep seem more puzzled by him than anything, and when they are banded together, they resist. They simply gather to stare him down. No way, they seem to be saying.

Red was on the other side of the flock, keeping a close eye on things. I think he can’t bear to look. Bud stared at Susie, barked some more, ran around the flock a few times, and came over to me hoping for a treat.

After a few Bud barks, offering with menacing growls,  the sheep slowly moved away. The sheep had a kind of “screw you” attitude and moved away slowly.

Bud seemed to take this as a great triumph and puffed his chest out. He declared victory and took off for the farmhouse. It was cold.


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    1. Thanks Rebecca, I’m receiving no complaints about the blog feed, I receive it every morning. The software is in working order, I know of no problems on this end. You might try re-subscribing or it might come back and work. You can always bookmark it and access it manually, as many (most) people do. Thanks for caring.

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