10 April

Affirmation Week. Things To Be Thankful For

by Jon Katz

This morning, I thought about the importance of working to stay in the now, to not look back or think about the future, but just to ask myself where I am right now.

Today, I am thankful.

For, two refugee children and their prospects: Eh K Pru Shee Wah, who spend 10 of her 13 years in a refugee camp, and her admittance to the Albany Academy.

For Noorul Hotak of Aghanistan, a academic whiz whose father died trying to  heal sick children, and  who has been invited to visit the school and take their admittance test.

For Kathy Sosa, a teacher in a middle school,  and her help in identifying refugee children with great gifts, and for fighting for them, and also for asking me to help them take a class trip to the FDR home in Hyde Park, N.Y.

My program to get full scholarships for gifted refugee children is off to a good start.

For Cynthia Daniello’s new blog The Never Ending Song, she has affirmed the promise of a meaningful life at any age.

For Christopher Lauricella, the Headmaster of the Albany Academy, who doesn’t just talk about diversity, but is making it happen.

For Maria and her continuing evolution as a successful artist and a strong human being. She sold almost all of her scarves in just a few minutes.

For Bud, who is weaving himself into the lives of Bedlam Farm, our Peaceable Kingdom. And who seems to be doing some herding of sheep.

For Red, who clings to dignity and loyalty and his compassionate therapy work in the face of continuing decline.

For our donkeys Lulu and Fanny, who communed with us over the warm and beautiful weekend.

For our new podcast, Katz and Wulf On Bedlam Farm, to be introduced by Simon’s bray, the Call to Life.

For Ruth and Wayne at the Mansion, who have given me the honor of officiating at their Commitment Ceremony, and for Wayne for asking me to be his Best Man.

And for my very rewarding few months fulfulling a dream, my radio show “Talking To Animals.” It was worth every minute.

These are all affirmations for me, signs that life is beautiful and hope is precious. I believe we were meant to share and to do good. Here’s to all of you and to small acts of great kindness.

More computer troubles today, I’m taking the computer out today in search of help. Grandma Moses was right. Life is what you make of it.




  1. Simon’s Call to Life always gives me the chills. I am a Donkey Person without donkeys, and he feeds the soul.

    He is showing his continuing blessings on your life and the deep connection you share. Surely it is no accident the sign of the cross is on them, they carry so much.

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