9 April

She Did It! Cynthia’s Blog Is Up And Running

by Jon Katz

Cynthia Daniello did it. Her new blog “The Never Ending Song” is up and running. Thanks to the people in the Army Of Good who helped her, she was determined to get it up this week.

Cynthia  Daniello is 84, she is a fellow author, a former farmer, 4-H leader, an animal rehabilitator, horse owner and lover, a vet technician for more than 30 years, and a poet. She has been writing ever since she was a child.

Her book, One Dog Night, is available on Amazon. I met Cynthia (sort of) on the phone a month ago, she called my radio show “Talking To Animals,” currently on hiatus due to circumstances beyond my control.

Cynthia impressed me right away, I sensed her broad knowledge of animals, broader than mine, and her calm and thoughtful way of speaking about them. She also seemed to me to be a person of strength and wisdom.

She is 84, and wheelchair bound, and determined not slip into the stereotype of older people being to inform and frail to contribute to our world. She has a lot to contribute to our world, and she agreed that the blog would permit her to raise her voice to the world.

There are not a lot of 84-year-old people in America who start blogging rather than vanish into the invisible world of the aging. Good for her.  I’m going to push her to add some graphics and other features to her blog, but this is a wonderful start. She intends to write about her life, her views on aging, but has also offered to answer any questions people might have about their pets or animals that she can help with.

She has a lifetime of experience. She wanted to be  photographed with her beloved Brittany, Hannah, who is also getting older.

Cynthia told me yesterday that we met some years ago at a book reading in Salem, N.Y. I have no memory of it.

At the moment, Cynthia is helping lead the fight against the management of her Independent Living complex, which wants to ban small gardens and bird feeders. I wouldn’t want to be them this week, Cynthia struck back with a poem that is already stirring up her fellow residents.

Good luck with that, management bureaucrats. Cynthia messaged me this morning that her apartment has been jammed with concerned residents. “I have been inundated with residents until alate last night and again this morning..I may have bitten off more than I can chew.”

Somehow, I doubt it.

I have been writing since I was 10 years old.” Cynthia wrote in her first blog post.

” I have had animals around me all my life – cows, goats, horses, hens..-always a dog and a cat. With me now are Hannah, an 11-year-old Brittany and Susie, a 6-year-old  female kitty. In this blog I will write about my life with animals. 

“I will respond to questions about animals sent to my e-mail address: [email protected] or [email protected]. I will also, on occasion, talk about life as a senior.

“This is my song.  It does not have to end because I have acquired a substantial number of years!”

I hardly know Cynthia, yet I feel as if we are old friends.  I admire her as much as anyone I know. Almost every day, I see the debilitating impact it has on the elderly to be shut away and out of sight, cut off from everything they know and love.

I am proud to encourage Cynthia to sing her song, which is far from over, and I will help and support her blog in any way I can.

Please support Cynthia, if you are so inclined. Check out her blog and send her a message that are there and we are cheering her on. The Never Ending Story.


  1. Jon, you’re such an encourager! This is one of your many gifts. Looking forward to Cynthia’s writing.

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