8 April

Cynthia Needs Some More Computer Help

by Jon Katz

Cynthia Daniello, whose exploits we have been following for a few days now, is in computer Hell and needs some additional help. She got a blog up and posted, but she is having trouble calling it up and the url she has doesn’t seem to work.

If there is anyone else out there who might help her – she is 84 and this is  her first bout with setting up a blog, it is never as simple as we think it will be – please e-mail her at [email protected].

The good souls working with her are stumped, and  have asked me to see if there is any other help out there. Cynthia lives in Virginia.

She is frustrated and wanted to do this herself, I know what that’s like, I’ve been there. But sometimes you just need help.

Cynthia is working on Blogger.com, a site I’m not familiar with. If no one out there can help her tonight or tomorrow morning, I’ll locate some professional computer help in her area and work with her that way.

We might need to get somebody out there to see her, and if so, I’ll be responsible for that.

She is determined to get her blog up, it’s called The Never Ending Story. Her e-mail address is [email protected].

We’ll make this happen.

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