30 March

Rescued Succulents: Starting Somewhere

by Jon Katz

The story of the Sad Succulents seems to have a happy ending, at least so far. We rescued them from a dusty Petco shelf and re-planted them in a terra cotta pot with fresh potting soil and some room to grow and breathe.

Maria also wanted them to be with one another, she thinks it helps. The experience can easily be trivialized, but I see it is important. We have to start somewhere when it comes to saving our Mother, the earth.

People like me can drift easily into hypocrisy, feeling smug about my beliefs, but also failing to do much about them. I have tried to correct that in the past  few years, I believe democracy and compassion are being reborn, not destroyed.

The earth deserves small acts of great kindness just as the people who live on it do. We are shedding out lives of plastic as well, one thing at a time.

Saving the earth means one thing at a time, one animal, one river,  one plant. I have to do what I can, the problems seems so overwhelming it’s easy to just look the other way.

But I think the luxury of that is ending, and I want my granddaughter to know that even if her grandfather wasn’t the most attentive grandparent, he did what he could to leave her with a better world.

So for now, a small victory for the plant, and the life that exists here. A small step for plants, hopefully another step towards a healthier world.


  1. I read an interesting article about succulents and how sad and basically traumatized most of them are at root (pardon the pun). By the time they wind up in a pot they have been through plant hell (and then they do things like paint them).

    So score one for the other team. Plants are sentient and the man who did the prayer experiment with plants did not expect the clear responses he saw.

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