20 March

Radio Day: Animals And Emotions? Do Pets Make Us Nicer?

by Jon Katz

Today is radio day, time for my weekly broadcast, “Talking To Animals,” broadcast from WBTMAM1370 but available anywhere in the world through live streaming and  free radio apps like Simple Radio. The program is re-broadcast from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. E.D.T. Wednesday nights and is also a podcast: WBTNAM.US.

The program is one from one to 2:30, it’s now 90 minutes long. Two numbers to call 802 442-1010 and 866 406 9286. You can e-mail me your questions anytime and I’ll read them on the air and talk about them: [email protected].

Live calls are important, this is community radio. It’s your show too, and if you don’t participate, there won’t be a show. I’m getting lots of messages, so I know you’re out there. Jump in.

The fascinating Thomas Toscano will be with me during the program and Maria will call around 2 p.m., we will talk about our experiences with the animals of Bedlam Farm

Lots of good stuff to talk about today. I’ve been on an animal intelligence, consciousness research binge lately for the program, focusing on five excellent works on the subject of animals and their intelligence and relationship to human beings:

The books are Mama’s Last Hug by Frans De Wall; In The Company Of Animals by James Serpell; How Dogs Think, The Intelligence of Dogs, and How To Speak Dog, all by Stanley Coren.

I also greatly value The Other End Of The Leash, Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs, by Patricia McConnell, and The Soul Of An Octopus, A Surprising Exploration Into The Wonders of Consciousness by Sy Montgomery.

I’d also recommend The Dog’s Mind by Bruce Fogle, an experienced veterinarian who writes about dog consciousness and behavior.

I’m going to talk about some of the major questions raised and addressed in these books: How smart are our dogs and cats? What is the difference between animal emotions and animal feelings? It is healthy to own a pet, are we nicer than non pet owners? What are we learning about animal consciousness? Is extreme animal grieving a mental health pathology?

Good stuff, I’d love to hear our thoughts and experiences, I really hate talking to myself for hours. So does my voice.

So call if you can: 802 442-1010, 866 406-9286, e-mail if you can’t: [email protected].


  1. I listened to the show and you were wrong that nobody wanted to call in. But I don’t receive the posting like this until the day after – it delivers to my western US mailbox overnight. So didn’t find the phone numbers (should have gone to the actual blog). I almost emailed but didn’t think it was your regular email.

    I would have commented on Maria’ and her donkey wisdom. I believe our “glossing over” that experience is a version of disempowering ourselves. That place where we connect with animals and use our telepathic voice and clarity is old and deep and something most of us have forgotten. Esp. for folks who are creatives and healers and are fed through the earth (you recognize us because we’re always bringing things from nature in the house, finding a piece of bark that speaks to us feeds us deeply), it is easy to disregard gifts. But they need to be seen and heard and met at their level of power and fed.

    Women tend to do this more than men for pretty obvious reasons.

    Maria is special as is her connection to equines, which is one of the oldest connections out there for modern folks.

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