12 February

Feeding Time: Starting Out Nasty

by Jon Katz

This storm has started out cold, icy, blowy and nasty. I might dream of New Mexico tonight, perhaps we might think of moving there in February (just kidding, a fantasy). No way of knowing how long it will last or  how hard it will snow, but so far, it’s impressive.

We will probably feed the animals in the barn if it’s still snowing tomorrow. I’ve scraped the roof twice and brushed off the cards three times. I’m hoping I can get to my radio show, “Talking To Animals”, tomorrow. Feel free to send me questions tonight: [email protected].

Heading out to brush the cars again. Got to keep up with it, yes? I’m not sure how much shoveling I should do. The doctors all say do what you can, so that’ s a good rule. They don’t say how I might know how much is all that I can.

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