5 February

The Bird Watcher

by Jon Katz

Bud arrived in October on a giant tractor trailer truck from the South with 100 other rescue dogs, he was the only one who seemed unhappy to come out of the truck. The poor guy has known too much trouble for one small dog.

Here on the farm, he seems to be steadily unfolding, a work in progress, as he learns to feel safe, understands how to live in a house, attaches himself to our life and our family, different sides of him emerge, including his fascination with sheep herding and his determination to protect his aging friend Red from rebellious sheep.

This week, another part of Bud has emerged. He is a serious birdwatcher.When I am sitting in my chair, he often jumps up into my lap and stares at the birds who hand out in the bushes outside of my window. Unlike the cats, he seems to have no murderous or interior motive in his birdwatching, he is simply fascinated by them, he can sit and watch them and listen to them sing for a long time.

Bud has a very serious sight to him, do I dare say thoughtful? I never claim to know what dogs are thinking, but I think he has found a new and calming hobby.


  1. If you have access to YouTube, there is an Alexa commercial with Harrison Ford and a Boston Terrier in the lead roles. A little bit of silliness. I immediately thought of my friends with BTs when I saw this. So glad to see Bud in such a good place…and you , too.

  2. I wonder if birds were a familiar environment, interest?, comfort? when he was living out of doors in a cage.

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