31 January

Hat Party: Alice Gets The Red Hat

by Jon Katz

It was a curious thing about the Hat Party for the displaced Mansion residents tonight, I think everyone got just the right hat for them. Art wanted an improbable hat, I think he is eager to show the residents that he can smile and laugh.

I was glad to see it. Alice invited me to dinner, as usual, and said if I brought some music, she’d love to dance.

I didn’t have any music, and I suspected a dance would get me banned again. Alice took to the red hat right away, she loved it at first sight and we all agreed it was the perfect hat for her. “You’re a party pooper,” she said. It’s true.

You never know what will work and what won’t. The hat party really did work, I think hats give the resident a dose of identity that they sorely need. They also keep their heads warm, and this week, that is no small thing. They all want me to come back and read them the story about Maud, an 88-year-old who finds ways to murder people who are creepy or that she just doesn’t like.

Art was concerned that the story was not really moral, and I assured him he wasn’t. He said he wouldn’t mind hearing it.

Our books, puzzles and games are slowly being taken to the Mansion, where they will live in the activity room. They did a lot of good this month, I think it helped keep the staff and the residents grounded and sane.

I loved the hat party, I want to think of ways to keep that sort of idea going. It really lifted everyone up.


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