29 January

Yellow Barn In The Snow (Tomorrow, Turn On The Radio)

by Jon Katz

We got back from our one day Birthday party celebration, we went to Brattleboro, Vt. Maria bought a new winter jacket – no more Hypothermia, I suspect – had a a great dinner at a Turkish restaurant,  sat up all night reading watching British mysteries, had breakfast and came home.

These overnight jaunts are precious to us, this is how we tend to celebrate birthdays, we always had fun together. I feel at ease in Brattleboro, a place with a lot of character.

More photos later, as always, I love taking pictures in Brattleboro,  it’s good to be home.

P.S. Turn on the radio tomorrow, “Talking To Animals” is on from one to three p.m. WBTNAM 1370. Tomorrow we’ll talk about why dogs eat their poop, how much our animals really need from us, and take questions live – 806 406-9286 or 802 402 1010. You can live stream the show here, or get a Simple Radio app for free on the Apple App store or online.

You can also e-mail me anytime – now, tonight, tomorrow, during the show – at [email protected] – and I’ll get your questions and read them on the air.

This is community radio, that means it’s  your show as well as mine, so please call me or e-mail me if you can, the show stands or falls on your contributions and involvement. The show is doing well, I think, thoughtful and compelling questions from all over the country.

Please join in. The broadcast will be repeated Wednesday evenings from 8 to 10 p.m. starting tomorrow. You can also download the podcast at WBTNAM.US.

We’ve got another good sized storm here, but I should get to the station with no trouble. Maria will also call in during the second hour, we are experimenting with a regular segment on the show about how we deal with animals and feel about them.

Come along.


  1. hello Jon and happy birthday Maria,,,,I haven’t followed you for some time now, even tho you come up on my email… just too much these days. But today I just happened upon your site and wow! what did I see but the yellow barn pic which I just love…. so much that I made a felt piece which I gave to you at a reading you gave some years ago.. but not in your hand, so I have to find out if you ever received it??? and if you did, I hope you enjoy it.
    all the best, Gege Kingston

  2. What do you do with the camera for the colors/crispness to be like this? (also with the 2nd floor Brattleboro picture).

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