29 January

Thrift Shop Joy

by Jon Katz

One of the many reasons we love Brattleboro is that they have first-rate Hospice Thrift Shop there, there are few things that make Maria happier than wandering around a good thrift shop looking for fabric styles and designs.

I usually hang back taking pictures, but I caught this look on her face when she scored, she collected an armful of fabrics she could imagine using in herĀ  Fabric Paintings and Quilts. My Mansion work has also brought me more deeply into the world of fabrics, and I often find shirts, jackets and sweaters to bring to the residents.

“I spent $17,” she told me, “I got a ton of fabric.”

I’m also getting good at scouring Thrift Shops, I never thought it would be something we would share. I’m not sure I ever set foot in a Thrift Shop before I met Maria. We hardly ever go by one without stopping.


  1. Love the joy on Maria’s face that you caught! My dear Grandma worked in a Salvation Army thrift store for years, and was always buying something for us there. As kids, we didn’t care if it was used. I believe thrift stores are important as places that uphold the reduce, recycle and reuse philosophy. They’re saving our planet.

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