20 January

Five A.M. View From The Porch

by Jon Katz

I woke up around 4 a.m., which is usual for me, and went downstairs to see how the storm was going.

It is doing just fine, thanks.

There is more than a foot of snow on the ground already, but there was a steady stream of state snow plows rumbling by the house. It is still snowing, but there is some freezing rain also, which makes the odds of a power outage pretty strong.  But the plows usually appear when things are slowing down.

Maybe it will just stop soon, and the arctic winds and cold can come on it. Bring it.

I did some brief shoveling off of the back porch to clear the way for the dogs when they get up – honestly, I can’t imagine how Bud will go to his stuff, all of the snow is taller than he is. I brought Fate out with me, she is a dog who could live happily outside, snow or not.

It wasn’t that dumb. I was in a nightshirt, I didn’t do much shoveling. But it was plenty cold. And brief.

Maria is still asleep, I’ll leave her alone, hopefully the worst snow will be over before she gets up Fate came out with me, if she noticed the snow at all, there was no evidence of it. I think I’ll go back to sleep for awhile.

If the power stays on, you’ll hear from me at first light The pictures should be interesting. Winter storms can be beautiful up here, once you get on top of things. If the snow stops we’ll finishing painting the bedroom. If not, hugging the wood stoves until the cavalry comes.

I am think a lot about our federal workers dealing with this cold and snow along with not being paid for a month. I am ashamed that this is happening to them, they work for us, and they represent our country.  I think of them all day and much of the night. How can we do this to our friends and neighbors?

I am mindful also of the many people for whom heating oil is a major  expense, and who will not be able to get outside today or face the awful cold tomorrow.

I hold them in the light and hope for better days for them. I hope you are all warm and safe.

And there are new Saturday Night clips to watch. I’ll check on them now, while I can.


  1. I guess my generation didn’t have the imagination the current one has. We gave all the storms the same name. We called them “winter”. Nobody got in a tizzy. It was Canada. It was cold. It snowed. ‘Nuff said. Mind you, the media back then wasn’t in the business of “creating” news. Hmmm…. perhaps a connection there.

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