20 January

Bud Steps In. Backs Liam Off Of Red In Storm

by Jon Katz

I have to say this is an image I could not have imagined when we collected Bud off of that truck from Arkansas several months ago. This morning, I went out in the storm to bring some hay to the sheep and the donkeys, they were riding out the storm in the Pole Barn.

I brought Red, who is blind now in one eye and is barred from running, to keep the sheep in the Pole Barn. Liam, our wether (neutered ram), who has been challenging Red and butting him since he got sick and even before, came out and started to charge at Red, who was standing still and holding the sheep in the barn.

Red never takes his his eyes (eye) off the sheep, even when he should be wary and Liam could easily have clocked him.

Bud, who has been glued to Red’s side ever since he got sick, saw this before I did and rushed in between them and went nose to nose with Liam. Liam was stunned.

He lowered his head to butt Bud and drive him off, but Bud didn’t back up an inch or flinch. In fact, he moved one step closer to Liam and got in his face. Bud’s look was “I’m not moving. Back off!”   Liam couldn’t believe this little dog wasn’t moving and running away, then he backed up and went into the barn. I couldn’t quite believe it.

Red watched this, I think he was quite astonished. I know I was.

Who dares to say Bud is not a farm dog? I hope the dum-dum who e-mailed me vet to urge her to stop me from bringing him into the pasture is reading this.

This is a new thing for me to understand. But I’m fascinated and impressed.

Bud is not only a happy dog, he is a dog with a lot of heart. And he is a good and loyal pal to Red. He doesn’t need to be butted any more.

But came tearing out in the storm racing happily and madly through the snow then came out into the pasture with us. He can’t stay out long in this cold – about 15 minutes. When he shivers or is cold, he simply runs out under the gate and is waiting by the back door to come in. Then he dozes by the fire.

I love this image of Bud defending Red, and I love the spirit of this dog, emerging more every day. Got to go out and shovel. More later. There is about 14 inches of snow on the ground, and it’s just turned to icy rain. Not good.


  1. I couldn’t take my eyes of this photograph for a very long time. To me, the image defines the meaning of friendship and loyalty and that touched me deeply. Hats off to Bud. The human world could use more like him right about now.

  2. I have to laugh about Bud. I am small like Maria, Sicilian heritage. I have stood up to men that are much larger than me. I must admit not quite as dramatically large as Bud vs Liam. Good job, Bud, standing your ground. The bigger they are the harder they fall. How wonderful that Bud is in a place where his true nature shines.

  3. OMG. Someone emailed your vet? I am in awe of your patience. Heavy rain after snow here and then single digits. Waiting for the avalanche of whining from the people who moved here to get away from the city and have no clue about making contingency plans to get through a bad storm like this.

    1. THanks, I’m getting quite a response to this photo, people found it inspirational, as i do. For Bud to overcome what he overcame to get to this point is stunning and beautiful…I’ going to put the photo up for sale..

  4. David and Goliath……and you captured the perfect shot of that moment. The look on Bud’s face is priceless!!

  5. This is the first thing I’ve read on line this morning. Thank you, for putting an upbeat spin on the start of my day.

  6. Maybe it’s deep in Bud’s DNA of bull-baiting. Isn’t that what bulldogs and other short nosed breeds were originally bred for? The pushed up nose allows them to breath while they hung onto the bulls nose to help the farmer subdue the animal.

  7. I love this picture of Bud. Lets us remember that no matter how big the foe, just stand there and don’t budge. What courage the little fellow has!!!

  8. Having had seven B.T’s, and knowing how very fearless they are, this photo is hard to believe (I do believe it…just hard to believe)! However, my male Boston did try to get through the fence to a very large Great Dane so remembering that I guess I do believe it….

  9. Love reading this story and love the photo! Bud is right where he belongs doing what he loves to do and helping his good friend, Red. Such loyalty and heart this spirit dog has!!

  10. Love, love, love this..and love that dog!!! No one should ever underestimate the confidence of a small dog!!!

  11. Omg pictures don’t lie . Bud is something else! Who would have thought his loyalty to Red would go this far. I think Red has been and is a good teacher.

  12. My son has a 75lb athletic Old English Bulldogge and my 25lb Boston, Willow chased his ass around the apartment 4 times. They have heart and a lot of courage. He doesn’t fool with her anymore.

  13. This is just amazing!!! Who would have thought a “lap dog” breed would have such bravery and instinct? I love how you captured this – it clearly shows Bud’s determination to stand strong, while Liam is quite astonished and somewhat intimidated. Really great photo that tells quite the story!

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