19 January

Priming The Bedroom Wall. “Dirty Computer.”

by Jon Katz

We took advantage of the approaching storm – it has started snowing here, and it is bone-chilling cold – to prime and paint our bedroom.

Today, we went to the hardware store and picked out the colors for the bedroom and bought primer, drop cloths and three gallons of paint.

We primed the bedroom walls today, and Maria is up painting the ceiling. Tomorrow, we paint the bedroom, assuming the power stays on, which I have faith it will. Maria works like a demon when she gets focused, and she is locked onto this room.

I listened to a new artist for me, while I worked. I never ever got a music steer from a congressperson before, but I saw a video done by U.S. Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and she was listening to some neat music in the background.

I saw that someone asked her who it was, and she said it was Janelle Monae, and I downloaded the album “Dirty Computer.” I love this artist, she’s been playing in our house all day. I’m going to sign up for her Instagram feed.


  1. LOL Jon……..Maria is hard at work (as are you)…….I noticed she got her hair cut (likely by you)……..and I think your bedroom is not far from being completed! so glad you have water and heat….. be warm and well, all of you
    Susan M

  2. How awesome Janelle Monae blessed your room, she is a stellar human. Surely you saw Moonlight (she was the girlfriend). It gives me great hope that a new woman politician could have such great taste in music and start a wave. It is just time for a change from the entrenched elder white male politician. We need more of your type of aging white guy!!

    Womens March just came through our town yesterday so I’m still fired up. It was so inclusive there was a Women for Trump section of the parade (small towns are inclusivity in action)

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