8 January

Bud Is Now A Happy Dog. That Makes Me Happy

by Jon Katz

It happened slowly, but is now pretty clear.

Bud is a happy dog. When he came to us a couple of months ago, Bud seemed beaten down, and for good reason. He had spent most of his young life in a pen out of doors.

He was not housebroken or trained in any way. He seemed serious, even grim. Over the last few weeks, he has evolved into a different dog, a happy dog.

He is always challenging me or Fate to play, given to joyous outbursts racing through the house from one of us to the other, wagging his short tail, a mad gleam in his eyes.

In the morning, he loves to run in the pastures – he easily keeps up with the border collies, and he greets the sheep and donkeys with barks and mischief.

It is immensely satisfying to see a dog who has had so hard a time evolve in this way, we never trained him to be happy or demanded it.

Truthfully, I didn’t even really expect it. I’m happy to see it. There are many ways to get a dog, not one, but this experience has been very satisfying to me and to Maria.

Every time Bud challenges me to play – he is doing this more and more – I feel lighter and hopeful about our abilities to make a better world.


    1. Thanks Patsy, but I don’t do videos on request, they have to come up naturally. I’m glad you like them, tho, they aren’t the things I can do every day…

  1. Isn’t it wonderful to see a dog “blossom” and become the dog we think they were born to be? Thank you for providing But with the home that he needed in order to finally show his true colors. And thanks for sharing this with us, too. I volunteer at an animal shelter, and these kinds of stories are exactly what keeps me going through the tough times.

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