7 January

The Mission: Practical Good

by Jon Katz

The Mission, for me, is always the same: Practical Good, Every Day, Small Acts of Great Kindness. We can’t alter the nature of things, we can fill the holes in people’s lives.

Sometimes, I find, the small things mean the most. Flowers, balloons, cookies, stuffed animals, puzzles and books. A celebration when it’s all over. So far, so good.

Nothing dramatic, nothing expensive.

We went room to room visiting each of the Mansion residents, saying hello, checking on them, offering to help, asking what is needed. Alice was delighted to have a cookie, she said she wanted to savor it, take her time eating it.

She loved holding Red while she chose, I could see this settle her, keep her grounded, touch the familiar. Maria carefully explained each cookie and we left a bunch for Brittany, then Tia, to distribute after dinner.


  1. I love how Red is looking up at Alice – he seems so very earnest in his desire to be helpful. And there I go anthropomorphizing him!

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